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5 Tips for Quick and Effective Social Media Posting

By May 21, 2012December 7th, 20187 Comments
eggs thinking about social media engagement

Do you struggle with maintaining a consistent presence in your social media accounts?

Cadence is important to social media success and it can be hard to keep up with it all, especially if you’ve established a presence on dozens of social sites. Try these five simple organization tips to help you focus your time where it counts.

1. Review the traffic sources on your analytics to determine the top sites that drive traffic to your website. The social media sites you find here are the ones you should be most focused on, to drive website visits. While Facebook may be a key driver for your friend’s party planning site, your business coaching business may get the most traffic from LinkedIn.

Once you’ve identified your key traffic-driving sites, set up tabs in your browser and include these sites as tabs on your Home page. That way, each time you launch your browser you will have a visual reminder of the sites you should be posting on.

2. If you post daily, it’s a good practice to look at your accounts first thing in the morning, before you get distracted by other commitments. You can always schedule your post for later in the day if that’s when your analytics show your posts get the most views. To schedule posts in advance (a great way to ensure cadence), use a marketing automation service like Hootsuite.

3. If you don’t post daily (and that’s OK, just try to establish a general cadence — once or twice weekly, for example), set up a calendar reminder to look over recent posts from others and engage. When possible, consolidate your time and review all of your top traffic-driving sites in one sitting.

4. Most social sites provide options to alert you when someone has posted to your social profiles – use these notifications judiciously and be sure to keep business and personal alerts separate. If you’re blogging, set up your options to notify you when there’s a new comment awaiting your review. Approve visitor comments promptly and always take the time to respond to them.

5. Efficiency is key to maintaining an active presence in social media without spending your whole day at it. Be organized and focus your time on the social sites that count for you.



  • Online Amplify says:

    Sorry to say that yes, I believe so. I’ve had the RSS feed tested and it is working correctly. Good luck!

  • Nancy,
    You always have the clearest points on Social Media and this was quite timely information for me. Setting up reminders to post is a great idea. Thank you and keep sending tips. Roberta

    • Online Amplify says:

      So glad you found it helpful. As business owners, every little bit helps in keeping all the balls in the air!

  • Jeannette Sullivan says:

    This is a great post on how businesses can use Social Media effectively. Thanks for sharing your views. Social Media can be a very confusing new format for marketing your business.

    • Online Amplify says:

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. Social media can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to get caught up in thinking that you need to be on every new social media platform. You don’t. You need to be where your customers are.

  • Jerry says:

    I like your first tip. I can’t keep up with all the social media posting and never considered that there was a way to figure out which ones were getting people to come to my website. Thank you.

    • Online Amplify says:

      I love Google Analytics. It’s an intuitive platform and is filled with great information that is easily accessible. Not only can you learn which platforms are driving traffic to your site, you can get lots of other actionable information includig where your visitors are located geographically, down to the town names (stay tuned for a future blog post on Google Analytics).

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