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Inspiration & Practical Advice – Lessons from Spark & Hustle

By June 27, 20132 Comments

Inspiration & Practical Advice – Lessons from Spark & Hustle

We’re publishing early due to next week’s holiday.

I had the fabulous opportunity this week to attend “Spark & Hustle,” a conference created by Tory Johnson for small business owners and entrepreneurs. The two day event inspired participants to think creatively (“spark”) and to be intentional and disciplined (“hustle”) in growing their businesses. Tory’s passion for entrepreneurship (and particularly, helping women entrepreneurs succeed) was evident in every aspect of the event, and she offered frequent snippets of wisdom based on her own journey. Boston was one of the final cities on this year’s nationwide tour.

Speakers and sponsors brought a decided slant toward doing good and feeling good: organic food and skincare products sourced and manufactured following fair trade practices; companies engaged in strategic philanthropy, offering profits, donations and employment opportunities to nonprofit organizations and causes; antioxidant-rich organic food and beverage items and fitness products to improve health and maximize stamina for entrepreneurial success. The success stories of these businesses encouraged participants to consider how personal growth can be achieved in combination with philanthropic efforts.

A firm yet supportive approach was used to ensure participants made the most of the open networking; participants were directed to switch tables following each break to meet more prospective partners, explore opportunities for collaboration, share stories, inspire and help each other move forward.

Speakers, many founders of businesses which have launched in the past several years, shared their experiences in the power of collaboration, pursuing media coverage, drilling down on marketing strategies for engaging target customers and much more.

Coach Jenn Lee acted as emcee, and exuded positive energy, smart advice and enough charisma to fill the room. The interactive session she shared with expert Lena West on refining your pitch was an event highlight.


Tory was a constant presence, offering advice and tips on pricing strategies, reasons prospective clients don’t buy, understanding which factors drive sales, and the importance of knowing how much revenue you need to cover your costs and reach your target earnings. She stressed the need to take deliberate, strategic, intentional actions to achieve success. Collaboration was a recurring theme.

Collaboration is key to success. Be open to the possibilities. 
– Tory Johnson, Spark & Hustle

It’s easy to rationalize pushing off opportunities for personal development with the excuse that you are too busy building your business or handling clients. But bringing your business to the next level happens more quickly and with fewer bumps along the road when you can benefit from the wisdom of those who are a bit further along on the journey.

Take some time to research personal development opportunities and get one on your calendar for the fall before taking some time to enjoy the holiday next week. If you have  recommendations for upcoming events, please share them in the comments.



  • Lauri says:

    I attended Spark and Hustle also and agree that it was a top-notch event. I got a lot out of the pricing and revenue discussions. Just a little bit of discipline makes it much clearer where you really are in terms of your earnings objectives. I’m committed to getting myself and my business on track.

    • Online Amplify says:

      I agree that the revenue and earnings discussions were very valuable, Lauri. Being acutely aware of your earnings vs. goal at any time can keep you up at night but it can also get you motivated to follow up on sales leads and proposals!

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