While most blogs are launched with enthusiasm and the best of intentions, many never progress much beyond that initial post proudly proclaiming Welcome to my Blog!
Whether your lapse is the result of a lack of focus, a busy season or pressing client commitments, now is the time to rouse the sleeping bear … or put the blog to bed once and for all.
Use the onset of a new year inspire you to awaken your blog.
A blog is an ongoing effort
Like other forms of content marketing, blogging is a commitment. To reap the benefits of blogging, posts must be offered with a regular cadence, so your audience anticipates your posts. Content must be original, relevant and well written to gain credibility with search engines. And posts must be leveraged to maximize visibility — through email newsletters, social, video and other sharing strategies.
But you knew all that when you launched your blog, right? So there may be other reasons for the dormant blog. Perhaps you’re at a loss for what to blog about. Possibly you have moments of brilliance — but they’re followed by periods of creative drought. Or you have ideas, but can’t seem to carve out time to develop them into blog posts.
Shake off the winter sleep and bear (!) with me … Help is on the way.
Creative inspiration for blog topics
Excuse #1: You’re at a loss for what to blog about. You’re not alone. In a post on this very topic, we shared seven strategies to generate blog topic ideas. Several are highlighted below.
- Seasonality can serve as inspiration for virtually any business. From academic calendars to national holidays, tax season to summer solstice, seasonal events can provide an entertaining theme for a blog post.
- Case studies offer prospects a real-life view into how you might help them. Share relatable elements of a recent client project, specifying the client challenge and how you addressed it.
- Opinion piece: Share your wisdom. Gather source content by subscribing to industry publications and setting up keyword searches. Report on an industry conference or cite an article by an industry leader — and offer your insights and perspective.
Pay yourself first: Blog cadence insurance
Excuse #2: Your creative juices run dry. Another common challenge.
A very important blogging strategy — one that I strongly encourage clients to implement prior to launching a blog — is the development of evergreen posts. The term evergreen is used because the content is not time sensitive. Evergreen posts are crafted and set aside to fill in as needed, helping to maintain blogging cadence.
Evergreen posts can be used to maintain cadence when “life happens” … a busy season, a new commitment, a hurricane that causes an extended power outage — or whatever curveball is thrown your way.
from Blogging Best Practice: The Importance of Evergreen Posts
A recipe to bake ideas into blog posts
Excuse #3: You just can’t seem to start writing. Sadly, sensory overload is today’s normal. Even the most prolific of writers can experience writer’s block. However, they are practiced at hitting pause on multi-tasking, allowing their creative juices to resume flowing. Clearing your brain to write requires banishing all those competing stimuli. Yes, that includes turning off your phone. Mastering the art of filtering out everything else takes determination and practice.
Try these tips to kick writer’s block to the curb.
- Respect your internal clock: Maximize your effectiveness by scheduling time to write when the words flow most naturally for you. Experiment with different times of day. When you identify your most productive time of day for writing, schedule a repeating calendar commitment for blog creation.
- Seize inspiration when it strikes: Capture creative ideas swiftly, before they slip away. Use an app on your phone to record snippets of brilliance; keep a notepad on your bedside table for the brainstorm that comes just prior to sleep. Don’t filter or otherwise inhibit the thoughts from flowing … simply capture the spark for later development.
- Feed your spirit (or your body): You may just need a quick reset. Take time for a quick walk outdoors for some fresh air, a few minutes of stretching or a brief mindfulness exercise to clear your brain. Dehydration or low blood sugar can cause fatigue; try a hydrating beverage or snack to perk you up.
- Give your writing a head-start: Often, something as simple as a writing prompt can help get your mojo back. Utilize an editorial calendar framework; an assigned blog topic helps to narrow your focus and jump-start your writing.
Such great tips for someone that struggles w/regular publishing. Thanks for add’l inspiration!
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