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Grand entrance | Online Amplify blog

The infinite amount of digital content can be exhausting. No, we don’t need to keep scrolling, sharing or adding our own stories, but it seems to be a default behavior of our times. Interrupting the cycle of newsfeed scanning is not a simple matter. Breaking through to get your content in front of potential customers is an art form. From headlines to blog post titles, teaser text to email subject lines — snagging the spotlight takes concentration, focus, and frankly, a bit of sizzle.

1. Whisper your way to center stage

Restraint can be a powerful ally. Measure your words and choose each one deliberately. Is there an unusual synonym that could enhance your impact? Can you omit words or simplify complex tense for cleaner phrasing? How about an opportunity to add alliteration to capture a reader’s attention?

Pare your words back to the essentials, and make each word count.

2. Make a grand entrance

Generate the glitz and glam of a sequined star with a stellar subject line. Power-up your introduction to capture a reader’s attention from the get-go. Labor over your post titles and teaser text to be sure your content has punch, and retain your reader’s attention with illustrative words that evoke imagery.

Rhythmic sentence structure captures the attention and engages readers. Try playfully echoing an iconic phrase (like lions and tigers and bears, oh my! ); the familiarity of the cadence triggers readers to pause, increasing the impact of your words.

3. Cast doubt to pique interest

Play with negative headlines to stand out from the crowd. Simply flip a few do’s to don’ts for a breakthrough approach. Numbered lists also appeal to user needs, boosting open rates – but keep your numbers in check. Lists which are expansive (100 items, for example), or too complex, tend to get less engagement, because they’re harder to scan.

Appeal to readers’ insecurities by echoing their concerns with a compelling negative subject line; then offer solutions in the body of your post or email.

4. Lighten up and share the spotlight

As evidenced by the explosion of TikTok, funny and entertaining content is highly sharable. A laugh is a welcome break from the pressure of business priorities and routines, and humor is an effective way to engage readers and make a positive connection.

Beware of the slippery slope of lost time and focus creating memes; instead, accompany playful headlines with amusing images to encourage opens. (Heads-up: Puppies and babies always get a second look).

Get 10 tried-and-true headline tips to snag spotlight


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