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Content Tapas-Style: Inspired & Memorable

By June 13, 2022No Comments
Content Tapas-Style Inspired & Memorable - Online Amplify blog

As the old adage goes, more is not always better. Incessant app alerts, push notifications and auto-play video reels can simply overwhelm. In the moment, valued content may be scanned and forgotten, rather than pondered or reflected upon. And even robust and well-researched long-form articles can miss the mark with today’s undersized attention spans. While Google values (and highly ranks) comprehensive content that satisfies a searcher’s intent, today’s users favor a video demo, how-to guide, or a series of short (read: tapas-inspired) posts or podcasts.

The challenge is to create short-form content that’s savored and enduring.

Meaningful information in tapas-size tidbits

Tapas originated in Spain as snacks to bridge the sustenance gap associated with late-evening dinners. Small portions of savory dishes, tapas are visually striking, innovative pairings that are often served with beer or wine.

The intentional variety of textures and colors, inventive plating and unusual flavor combinations provide a multi-sensory experience. Tapas make no claim of a complete and filling meal, but rather, equal parts sustenance and entertainment.

The journey from all-you-can-eat to tapas style

Use tapas as inspiration to develop content that offers more with less. Omit ordinary or well-known background information, cut extraneous details and edit feverishly to eliminate repetition. Respect and appeal to current user preferences for brevity with tapas-size portions of valued content.

Enable nimble access to more substantive information with embedded contextual links, visual elements including charts or graphics, or video cards and end screens. Social hashtags, blog categories and tags also provide the ability for users to efficiently search for related information, if desired … without imposing unheeded details on the scanning-scrolling majority.

Creativity counts, and looks matter … unusual executions

Creatively plated content may take the form of an infographic, video blog or case study. Attract audiences with thematic content and imagery (I admit to favoring foodie themes), and use colorful vocabulary to keep readers engaged. Create inspired content in snack-size portions: text-only social posts, reels, and concise reference guides, along with succinct, honed blog posts and newsletters.

Need help crafting impactful, delectable content? We’re happy to help.


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