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5 Underutilized Tips to Make Your LinkedIn Pop

7 Underutilized Ways to Fire Up Your LinkedIn

By "How To" Series, Business development, Business Tips, Marketing Strategy, Online Presence, Social Media No Comments
While the social landscape continues to evolve, LinkedIn endures as the premier professional network for businesses. LinkedIn can help you prove credibility, gain visibility, articulate your value, promote events, solidify connections and generate business. It offers value for those who are seeking to grow their knowledge, happily employed, freelancing, job searching, or managing a business. LinkedIn saw…
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Crossing the Bridge to a New Year - sunset over the bridge

Crossing the Bridge to a New Year

By Business Tips, Content, Frequently Asked Questions, Infographics, Online Presence, Social Media, Tidbits of Wisdom No Comments
And just like that, another year is nearly over. As we reflect on the year coming to a close, the dramatic pace of technological change is impossible to overlook. In 2023 we saw big shifts in social media, including the reinvention of Twitter as X, the explosive growth of video reels and the introduction of…
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5 Instagram Myths Debunked - More is not always better - Online Amplify

5 Instagram Myths Debunked … More is not always better

By Social Media, Tidbits of Wisdom, Uncategorized No Comments
If there's one central theme relating to social over the past decade-plus, it has been more is better. More frequent posts, more platforms, more followers, more images, video, technology. So the notion of restraint feels unusual, odd ... even off-putting. But more is not always better. Read on about five Instagram myths. Instagram myth #1:…
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